Working with Friends: A new approach to talent development

Working with Friends is an LEA Global initiative started by the European HR Collaboration Group. It aims to provide a unique experience to young professionals by working alongside peers in other LEA Global member firms. The overall theme is collaboration with a focus on sharing best practice, strengthening group learning, serving clients and having fun together.
The pilot program is a two-week experience where young professionals work alongside each other at a host firm and experience enriching developmental, educational, cultural, and social opportunities. The first cohort, hosted by HW Fisher in London, comprises audit and tax professionals and will take place from October 16-27, 2023. Other firms that plan to participate are: RBK, Van Oers, Primexis, Vandelanotte, PSP, Bol International, and MNT.
The host firm decides the activities with an aim to create connections and support learning. Three core modules are common to all programs going forward:
Meeting with Managing Director/Partner/CEO of the host firm
Presentations by each of the participants about their firms to partners and managers of the host firm
Topical presentations on current issues
Prior to joining, participants will have a series of introductory calls to get to know each other, discuss what experiences they would like to integrate into their learning, and prepare presentations about their respective firms. At the end of the two-week program, participants will present their experience and the impact it has had on them at the LEA Global World Conference, after which they’ll receive feedback for refinement. They’ll then give a final presentation delivered virtually at the Managing Partner Conference in January 2024, focusing on the impact the program has had on their careers, their work, and their firms.
Another goal of the pilot is to introduce young professionals to the LEA Global community earlier in their careers. Alexandra Gerondeau of Primexis in Paris says: “We want to reinforce the connections between European member firms and offer our young professionals an international experience. It will be an opportunity to exchange best practices, give them a positive vision of their firm and create commitment.”
To learn more about the Working with Friends pilot, contact European Coordinator Elaine Foley [email protected]